Sea Atmosphere Interaction And Climate Laboratory

Southern Hemisphere
cyclone tracks

We at SAIL develop several projects funded by Ministry for Education and Science of Russian Federation, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Academy of Science, European Union (INTAS) and NATO. These projects concentrate on the following major topics:

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Air-sea interaction on different time scales
Characteristics of cyclone activity over the Northern Hemisphere
European climate variability
Experimental large-scale oceanography
Indo-Pacific tropical climate variability
Ocean general circulation modeling in different resolutions
Ocean wind wave studies

Air-sea interaction on different time scales

This research is primarily funded by the Ministry for Education and Science of Russian Federation, Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Russian Academy of Science. The major focus of the research is on the development of new VOS-based and blended global and regional ocean-atmosphere interaction fields, new parameterizations of air-sea energy exchanges and statistical methodologies for air-sea flux filed production. Most recently we developed global estimates of sampling errors of ocean-atmosphere fluxes over the World  Ocean (Gulev et al. 2006a,b) and a new method which allows for the reconstruction of long-term air-sea interaction time series using limited data (Belyaev and Gulev 2006). For the development of new parameterizations of air-sea short-wave and long-wave radiation fluxes we undertake in-situ measurements of surface radiative fluxes under the MORE (Meridional Oceanic Radiative Experiment). MORE is a joint initiative of IORAS and the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of Kiel (IFM-GEOMAR) with some contributions from the UK Met Office and the Meteorological Institute of the University of Bonn. MORE is set up to conduct long-term, high quality measurements of surface parameters and fluxes in the Atlantic Ocean with a particular emphasis on short wave (SW) and long-wave (LW) radiation fluxes. These are needed for proper quantification of the global ocean heat balance. Under this research we develop numerous comparative studies of global and regional air-sea flux fields and flux-related parameters. Recently in co-operation with LEGI (Grenoble) different Global Ocean precipitation data were intercompared for the Global Ocean (Beranger et al. 2006). Comparison of global cloud cover from NCEP-NCAR reanalysis and VOS data was performed together with IFM-GEOMAR (Kiel).

Participants [3]:
Alexey Sinitsyn, Marina Alexandrova, Sergey Gulev

Characteristics of cyclone activity over the Northern Hemisphere

This research topic is developed under the sponsorship of Ministry for Education and Science of Russian Federation, Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Volkswagen Stiftung. We designed a semiautomatic software for cyclone tracking and analysis (Grigoriev et al. 2000, Gulev et al. 2001, Zolina and Gulev 2002) and numerical scheme for cyclone identification and tracking. We developed climatology of cyclone activity over the Northern Hemisphere, the major modes of variability of cyclone characteristics over Atlantic-European sector and association of the Atlantic cyclone activity with the processes over the North Pacific, including the the NAO regime shifts, clearly seen in European cyclone activity (Gulev et al. 2001, 2002). Of a special importance was the analysis of the NAO regime shifts, clearly seen in European cyclone activity (Gulev et al. 2001, 2002, Jung et al. 2003). Simultaneously, we described the mechanisms driving the propagation an development of cyclones under the impact of sea-air interaction processes in the North Atlantic (Zolina and Gulev 2003). Our cyclone tracking methodology allowed for the quantitative analysis of cyclone characteristics in ECMWF model in different resolutions (Jung et al. 2006. Currently we are closely looking at the changes of cyclone geometry and construction of cyclone composites over the Atlantic Ocean and Europe (Rudeva and Gulev 2006). Simultaneously we analyse characteristics of atmospheric synoptic activity using band-pass statistics of atmospheric variables (Gulev et al. 2002). Recently we started to model life cycle of the midlatitudinal cyclones using WRF mesoscale model. You can see the model experimental design and the recent results here.

Participants [5]:
Alexander Gavrikov, Irina Rudeva, Olga Zolina, Sergey Gulev, Yulia Zyulyaeva

European climate variability

This research is funded by NATO and Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The major co-operative project "Extreme precipitation: their origins, predictability and sicietal impacts" is developed together with the Meteorological Institute of the University of Bonn, Scripps Oceanographic Institution and Odessa State Ecological University. This project is focused on European and North American climate extremes, primarily on extreme precipitation. We are developing some new techniques for the quantitative estimation of precipitation extremes and are analysing different mechanisms responsible for the regionally high extreme rainfall. The analysis includes both global and regional reanalyses and European rain gauges (Zolina et al. 2004, 2005). We are planning to consider European precipitation extremes together with the changes in the cyclone life cycle. As a part of this activity we performed the analysis of long-term variability of European climate with a particular focus on seasonality in long-term climate changes in European temperature and precipitation (Zveryaev 1999, 2004).
This activity is funded under a special NATO-SFP project "Extreme precipitation events: their origins, predictability and societal impacts".

Participants [4]:
Igor Zveryaev, Olga Razorenova, Olga Zolina, Sergey Kravtsov

Experimental large-scale oceanography

We develop experimental long-term monitoring of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation at key full-depth oceanic sections in the North and south Atlantic. This research is targeted on the analysis of interannual to decadal scale variability of the major water mass characteristics, their transformation and formation along with the meridional transports estimated form the oceanic cross-sections. The field programme is being funded by the Ministry for Education and Science of Russian Federation and Ministry of the Economic Development and Trade of Russian Federation under the long-term project "MERIDIAN".

Participants [4]:
Alexey Sokov, Anastasia Falina, Artem Sarafanov, Sergey Gladyshev

Indo-Pacific tropical climate variability

This research is funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research and focused on the analysis of the relationships between oceanic signals and ENSO-related anomalies in precipitation, including monsoon impacts on ENSO.

Participants [1]:
Igor Zveryaev

Ocean general circulation modeling in different resolutions

These studies products are being developed in co-operation with LEGI (Grenoble). We performed long-term integration with a coarse resolution ocean GCM driven by surface fluxes from reanalyses (Gulev et al. 2003). Later similar experiments were performed with high resolution models (Gulev et al. 2006). We found complicated lagged relationships between the intensity of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation and surface water mass transformation which represents the “ocean view” of surface fluxes. Currently the ocean modelling activities at SAIL are being developed under the joint DRAKKAR project.

Participants [3]:
Alexey Arkhipkin, Alexey Sokov, Sergey Gulev

Ocean wind wave studies

This long-term research funded by Ministry for Education and Science of Russian Federation and European Union (INTAS). We have developed two climatologies of ocean wind waves based on wind observations (Gulev and Hasse 1998, Gulev et al. 2003). These regional and global products were used for the quantitative estimation of climate variability in marine storminess on decadal to centennial time scales (Gulev and Hasse 1999, Gulev and Grigorieva 2004, 2006) and new methodologies for the correction of wind observations (Gulev 1999) along with new estimates of the wind stress over the ocean accounting for the wind-wave interactions (Gulev and Hasse 1998).

Global Ocean Wave Atlas based on VOS observations

Participants [2]:
Sergey Gulev, Vika Grigorieva

in the agenda
IMILAST – establishing more truth in numerical cyclone tracking

SAIL/IORAS together with as many as 12 other groups around the world started a project focused on the development of comprehensive intercomparison and validation of numerical schemes for tracking cyclones.

Surface energy fluxes and climate science: A concept paper of Sergey Gulev, Chris Fairall and Vladimir Riabinin (towards the JSC-29 meeting)

Better climate observation and prediction can only be achieved if we minimize the uncertainties of the global energy balance and increase the accuracy of the estimation of variability of air-sea fluxes on all time scales.
Full text (PDF)

More of MORE: "Polarstern" covers Capetown-Europe section with a joint German-Russian radiation team onboard

During 20+ days from 12 April 2007 to 5 May 2007 German research icebreaker Polarstern with chief scientist Andreas Macke and our team member Alexey Sinitsyn onboard measured radiation at sea surface under the MORE (Meridional Oceanic Radiation Experiment). This is the 6th in the series of MORE cruises.

NEMO-based DRAKKAR Global Ocean hindcast at eddy-permitting resolution

DRAKKAR community has compiled the pilot hindcast of the World Ocean circulation in eddy-permitting resolution using DRAKKAR hierarchy of OGCMs based on the NEMO system.

SINGAPORE: SMALL ISLAND AND BIG CLIMATE ISSUES: Local downscaling of climate change is on the way

In April 2007 we started the regional climate downscaling project, targeted at sea level and ocean wind wave extremes for Singapore - one of the Asian hi-tech and financial capitals. This small 24-months project is funded by the Tropical Marine Science Institute of the National University of Singapore

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